resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "controller-nodes" { count = var.controller_instance_count name = "${var.controller_name}-${count.index}.${var.dns_suffix}" flavor_name = "${var.controller_instance_type}" key_pair = "${var.keyname}" security_groups = ["https", "microk8s", "Allow SSH from SUNET jumphosts", "Allow ssh from the world"] block_device { uuid = "5d24aca9-11be-4de1-9770-4a097d68f361" source_type = "image" volume_size = 20 boot_index = 0 destination_type = "volume" delete_on_termination = true } scheduler_hints { group = } network { name = "public" } } resource "openstack_compute_instance_v2" "worker-nodes" { count = var.worker_instance_count name = "${var.worker_name}-${count.index}.${var.dns_suffix}" flavor_name = "${var.worker_instance_type}" key_pair = "${var.keyname}" security_groups = ["microk8s", "Allow SSH from SUNET jumphosts", "Allow ssh from the world"] block_device { uuid = "5d24aca9-11be-4de1-9770-4a097d68f361" source_type = "image" volume_size = 20 boot_index = 0 destination_type = "volume" delete_on_termination = true } scheduler_hints { group = } network { name = "public" } }