
118 lines
4 KiB

# Class for forgeo action runner.
class podmanrunner::runner (
Integer $replicas = 2,
$runnerdata = lookup("runners",undef,undef,undef)
package { 'podman':
ensure => installed,
provider => apt,
package { 'systemd-container':
ensure => installed,
provider => apt,
package { 'python3-dotenv':
ensure => installed,
provider => apt,
file { "/usr/local/bin/podman-compose":
ensure => file,
mode => '0555',
source => 'puppet:///modules/podmanrunner/podman-compose-1.0.6',
owner => "root",
group => "root",
$runnerdata.each |$user,$userdata| {
user { "${user}${userpostfix}":
ensure => present,
home => "/opt/${user}${userpostfix}",
shell => '/usr/sbin/nologin',
managehome => true,
file { "/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/docker-compose.yaml":
ensure => file,
content => template('podmanrunner/docker-compose.yaml.erb'),
owner => "${user}${userpostfix}",
group => "${user}${userpostfix}",
mode => '0400',
file { "/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerimage":
ensure => directory,
mode => '0700',
owner => "${user}${userpostfix}",
group => "${user}${userpostfix}",
file { "/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerimage/Containerfile":
ensure => file,
content => template('podmanrunner/runnerimage-Containerfile.erb'),
owner => "${user}${userpostfix}",
group => "${user}${userpostfix}",
mode => '0400',
unless find_file("/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata") {
file { "/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata":
ensure => directory,
mode => '0700',
owner => "${user}${userpostfix}",
group => "${user}${userpostfix}",
unless find_file("/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata/config.yml") {
file { "/opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata/config.yml":
ensure => file,
source => 'puppet:///modules/podmanrunner/forgejo-runner-config.yml',
owner => "${user}${userpostfix}",
group => "${user}${userpostfix}",
mode => '0400',
# Make sure the podman user can read the /data dir
exec { "make-${user}${userpostfix}-own-runnerdata":
command => "systemd-run --wait --user --machine=${user}${userpostfix}@ /bin/bash -c 'podman unshare chown 1000:1000 /opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata'",
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
provider => shell,
logoutput => false,
unless => "systemd-run --wait --user --machine=${user}${userpostfix}@ /bin/bash -c 'podman unshare stat --format %u /opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata | grep ^1000$ && podman unshare stat --format %g /opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata | grep ^1000$'",
# Make sure the podman user can read the /data/config.yml file
exec { "podman-${user}${userpostfix}-own-runner-config":
command => "systemd-run --wait --user --machine=${user}${userpostfix}@ /bin/bash -c 'podman unshare chown 1000:1000 /opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata/config.yml'",
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
provider => shell,
logoutput => false,
unless => "systemd-run --wait --user --machine=${user}${userpostfix}@ /bin/bash -c 'podman unshare stat --format %u /opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata/config.yml | grep ^1000$ && podman unshare stat --format %g /opt/${user}${userpostfix}/runnerdata/config.yml | grep ^1000$'",
exec { "enable-${user}${userpostfix}-linger":
command => "loginctl enable-linger ${user}${userpostfix}",
path => '/usr/bin:/usr/sbin:/bin',
provider => shell,
logoutput => false,
unless => "test -f /var/lib/systemd/linger/${user}${userpostfix}",
if $runnerdata and $runnerdata["${user}${userpostfix}"] and 'url' in $runnerdata["${user}${userpostfix}"] {
notify {"runnercontent${userpostfix}":
message => $runnerdata["${user}${userpostfix}"]