Johan Wassberg 0f1c5ec93f
Don't throw away v6 route when IP forwarding
In environments where we relay on RAs for IPv6 (e.g Safespring) we need to
forcely allow RAs even if IP forwarding is enabled by some service(s). E.g docker:
2dc4de00de/templates/dockerhost/systemd_dropin_nftables_ns.conf.erb (L46)
2023-03-15 13:08:24 +01:00

103 lines
3.7 KiB
Executable file

#!/usr/bin/env bash
# This script is called from prepare-iaas-$os after logging in over ssh as
# the root user
set -x
os=$(lsb_release -si | tr '[:upper:]' '[:lower:]')
if [ "$os" != "ubuntu" ] && [ "$os" != "debian" ]; then
echo "unsupported os: '$os'"
exit 1
# Get rid of ugly perl messages when running from macOS:
# ===
# apt-listchanges: Reading changelogs...
# perl: warning: Setting locale failed.
# perl: warning: Please check that your locale settings:
# LANGUAGE = (unset),
# LC_ALL = (unset),
# LC_CTYPE = "UTF-8",
# LC_TERMINAL = "iTerm2",
# LANG = "C.UTF-8"
# are supported and installed on your system.
# perl: warning: Falling back to a fallback locale ("C.UTF-8").
# ===
export LC_CTYPE=C.UTF-8
# Remove default user if present
if id "$os"; then
# Make sure there is no systemd process running as the initial cloud image user
# after the "enable root" step in prepare-iaas-$os. If there are any
# proceses still running as the specified user the "userdel" command
# below will fail.
# Depending on how long we have waited between running the "enable root"
# script and this one it is possible the process has timed out on its own,
# so run this command before doing "set -e" in case there is no process
# to match.
pkill -u "$os" -xf "/lib/systemd/systemd --user"
# Make sure the process has gone away before continuing
while pgrep -u "$os" -xf "/lib/systemd/systemd --user"; do
if [ $attempt -gt $max_attempts ]; then
echo "failed waiting for systemd process to exit, please investigate"
exit 1
echo "systemd process still running as '$os' user, this is attempt $attempt out of $max_attempts, sleeping for $sleep_seconds seconds..."
sleep $sleep_seconds
attempt=$((attempt + 1))
# While the man page for "userdel" recommends using "deluser" we can not
# run "deluser" with "--remove-home" without installing more than the
# already included `perl-base` package on debian, so stick with the low
# level utility.
if ! userdel --remove "$os"; then
exit 1
# From this point we expect all commands to succeed
set -e
rm /etc/sudoers.d/*
# Make sure en_US.UTF-8 is present in the system, expected by at least
# bootstrap-cosmos.sh
if grep -q '^# en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8$' $locale_gen_file; then
sed -i 's/^# \(en_US.UTF-8 UTF-8\)$/\1/' $locale_gen_file
if [ "$(lsb_release -is)" == "Debian" ]; then
if [ -f "${interfaces_file}" ]; then
interface_string='iface ens3 inet6 dhcp'
accept_ra_string=' accept_ra 2'
if ! grep -qPz "${interface_string}\n${accept_ra_string}" ${interfaces_file} ; then
# By default net.ipv6.conf.ens3.accept_ra is set to 1 which
# makes the kernel throw a way the IPv6 route when
# net.ipv6.conf.all.forwarding is set to 1 by our service for
# Docker.
echo "Configuring interfaces to always accept Router Advertisements even with IP Forwarding enabled"
sed -i -r "s/(${interface_string})/\1\n${accept_ra_string}/" ${interfaces_file}
echo "WARN: Configuration already applied or no match for \"${interface_string}\" in ${interfaces_file}"
echo "WARN: ${interfaces_file} not found. File renamed in this image?"
DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -y update
DEBIAN_FRONTEND="noninteractive" apt-get -o Dpkg::Options::="--force-confnew" --fix-broken --assume-yes dist-upgrade