
77 lines
2.3 KiB

class dns::knotdns(
$knotdnsrepo = 'ppa:cz.nic-labs/knot-dns-latest',
$knotrestrepo = 'ppa:pettai/knot-rest',
$knotrestversion = '0.0.2-1~ubuntu22.04',
$knot_rest_token_secret = lookup({ 'name' => 'knot_rest_token_secret', 'default_value' => undef })
# Stop & disable systemd-resloved
service { "systemd-resolved":
ensure => 'stopped',
enable => false,
# Use SUNETs resolvers directly (no local cache)
file { "/etc/resolv.conf":
ensure => "file",
content => template("dns/knot/resolv.conf.erb")
# This is a control file used to skip these semi-heavy installation steps
exec {"Add KnotDNS repo":
command => "add-apt-repository $knotdnsrepo && apt-get update",
unless => "test -f $control_file",
} ->
exec {"Add KnotREST repository":
command => "add-apt-repository $knotrestrepo && apt-get update",
unless => "test -f $control_file",
# Install the package stuff
package { ['knot', 'knot-host', 'knot-dnsutils', 'libknot14']:
ensure => installed,
exec {"Install KnotREST":
command => "apt install -fy python3-knot-rest=$knotrestversion && touch $control_file",
unless => "test -f $control_file",
exec {"Let user knot_rest use knot's socket":
command => "usermod -a -G knot knot_rest",
unless => "test -f $control_file",
# Install KnotDNS configuration
file { "/etc/knot/knot.conf":
ensure => "file",
content => template("dns/knot/knot.conf.erb")
file { '/etc/knot/conf.d':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0750',
owner => 'root',
group => 'knot',
file { '/var/lib/knot/zones':
ensure => directory,
mode => '0750',
owner => 'knot',
group => 'knot',
# Install KnotREST configuration
if $knot_rest_token_secret {
file { "/etc/knot_rest/knot_rest.yaml":
ensure => "file",
content => template("dns/knot/knot_rest.yaml.erb")
ensure => directory,
mode => '0750',
owner => 'knot_rest',
group => 'knot_rest',