# Simplify running cosmos, with serialization if flock is available.

readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "$0")
readonly LOCKFILE_DIR=/tmp
readonly LOCK_FD=200
readonly FLEETLOCK_CONFIG=/etc/run-cosmos-fleetlock-conf
readonly FLEETLOCK_DISABLE_FILE=/etc/run-cosmos-fleetlock-disable
readonly FLEETLOCK_TOOL=/usr/local/bin/sunet-fleetlock
readonly FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE=run-cosmos-fleetlock-unlocker.service
readonly HEALTHCHECK_TOOL=/usr/local/bin/sunet-machine-healthy
readonly HEALTHCHECK_DISABLE_FILE=/etc/run-cosmos-healthcheck-disable

lock() {
    local prefix=$1
    local fd=${2:-$LOCK_FD}
    local lock_file=$LOCKFILE_DIR/$prefix.lock

    # create lock file
    eval "exec $fd>$lock_file"

    # acquier the lock
    flock -n "$fd" \
        && return 0 \
        || return 1

eexit() {
    local error_str="$*"

    echo "$error_str"
    exit 1

oexit() {
    local info_str="$*"

    echo "$info_str"
    exit 0

fleetlock_enable_unlock_service() {
    # In case e.g. the unit file has been removed "FragmentPath" will still
    # return the old filename until daemon-reload is called, so do that here
    # before we try checking for the FragmentPath.
    need_reload=$(systemctl show --property NeedDaemonReload $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE | awk -F= '{print $2}')
    if [ "$need_reload" = "yes" ]; then
        systemctl daemon-reload

    unit_file=$(systemctl show --property FragmentPath $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE | awk -F= '{print $2}')
    if [ -z "$unit_file" ]; then
        # No unit file matching the service name, do nothing
        return 0

    # Enable the service if needed
    systemctl is-enabled --quiet $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE || systemctl enable --quiet $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE

fleetlock_lock() {
    if [ ! -f $FLEETLOCK_DISABLE_FILE ] && [ -f $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG ] && [ -x $FLEETLOCK_TOOL ]; then
        # Make sure the unlock service is enabled before we take a lock if
        # cosmos ends up rebooting the machine before fleetlock_unlock() is
        # called.
        fleetlock_enable_unlock_service || return 1
        local fleetlock_group=""
        # shellcheck source=/dev/null
        . $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG || return 1
        if [ -z "$fleetlock_group" ]; then
            echo "Unable to set fleetlock_group"
            return 1
        echo "Getting fleetlock lock"
        $FLEETLOCK_TOOL --lock-group "$fleetlock_group" --lock || return 1
    return 0

fleetlock_unlock() {
    if [ ! -f $FLEETLOCK_DISABLE_FILE ] && [ -f $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG ] && [ -x $FLEETLOCK_TOOL ]; then
        local fleetlock_group=""
        # shellcheck source=/dev/null
        . $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG || return 1
        if [ -z "$fleetlock_group" ]; then
            echo "Unable to set fleetlock_group"
            return 1
        machine_is_healthy || return 1
        echo "Releasing fleetlock lock"
        $FLEETLOCK_TOOL --lock-group "$fleetlock_group" --unlock || return 1
    return 0

machine_is_healthy() {
    if [ ! -f $HEALTHCHECK_DISABLE_FILE ] && [ -x $HEALTHCHECK_TOOL ]; then
        local fleetlock_healthcheck_timeout=""
        local optional_args=()
        # shellcheck source=/dev/null
        . $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG || return 1
        if [ -n "$fleetlock_healthcheck_timeout" ]; then
        echo "Running any health checks"
        $HEALTHCHECK_TOOL "${optional_args[@]}" || return 1
    return 0

main () {
    lock "$PROGNAME" || eexit "Only one instance of $PROGNAME can run at one time."
    fleetlock_lock || eexit "Unable to acquire fleetlock lock."
    cosmos "$@" update
    cosmos "$@" apply
    fleetlock_unlock || eexit "Unable to release fleetlock lock."

    touch /var/run/last-cosmos-ok.stamp

    find /var/lib/puppet/reports/ -type f -mtime +10 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f

    if [ -f /cosmos-reboot ]; then
        rm -f /cosmos-reboot

# Most of the time we just pass on any arguments to the underlying cosmos
# tools, if adding special cases here make sure to not shadow any arguments
# (like "-v") which users expect to be passed on to cosmos.
case "$1" in
        lock "$PROGNAME" || oexit "$PROGNAME appears locked by a running run-cosmos, let it handle unlocking instead."
        fleetlock_unlock || eexit "Unable to release fleetlock lock."
        main "$@"