[tool.poetry] name = "norduniclient" version = "1.4.4" description = "Neo4j (>=4.4.12) database client using bolt for NORDUnet network inventory" authors = [ "Johan Lundberg ", "Markus Krogh ", "Benedith Mulongo ", ] readme = "norduniclient-package.md" homepage = "https://github.com/NORDUnet/python-norduniclient" repository = "https://github.com/NORDUnet/python-norduniclient" documentation = "https://github.com/NORDUnet/python-norduniclient" license = "Apache-2.0" [tool.poetry.dependencies] python = "^3.9" neo4j = "4.4.12" [tool.poetry.group.dev.dependencies] black = "^24.10.0" mypy = "^1.11.2" pytest = "^8.3.3" flake8 = "^7.1.1" nox = "^2024.10.9" pre-commit = "^4.0.1" [tool.flake8] max-line-length = 125 exclude = ['.git', '__pycache__'] extend-ignore = [ # PEP 8 recommends to treat : in slices as a binary operator with the lowest priority, and to leave an equal # amount of space on either side, except if a parameter is omitted (e.g. ham[1 + 1 :]). # This behaviour may raise E203 whitespace before ':' warnings in style guide enforcement tools like Flake8. # Since E203 is not PEP 8 compliant, we tell Flake8 to ignore this warning. # https://black.readthedocs.io/en/stable/the_black_code_style/current_style.html#slices "F405", "F403" ] [build-system] requires = ["poetry-core"] build-backend = "poetry.core.masonry.api"