# General SSO documentation: https://wiki.sunet.se/x/sZGLBg
# @param hostname FQDN of the host this is running on.
# @param email Support email used in error messages etc.
# @param service_endpoint Location of service to reverse proxy for.
# @param groups
#   List of user groups from sso_groups in global/overlay/etc/hiera/data/common.yaml. The
#   default is a non-existing placeholder group, added to make the Apache config valid.
# @param passthrough List of paths to disable SAML protection for, e.g. API paths.
# @param x_remote_user
#   If true, EPPN is put in the HTTP header X-Remote-User instead of REMOTE_USER.
# @param single_user
#   If true, EPPN is discarded and X-Remote-User is set to "soc-user". This is useful in
#   cases where the service we reverse proxy for can't create new accounts automatically.
#   We use this only for Graylog at the time of writing.
# @param swamid_testing Set this to true if your SP is registered in swamid-testing.

class soc::sso(
  $groups = ['PLACEHOLDER'],
  $passthrough = [],
  $x_remote_user = false,
  $swamid_testing = false,
  $single_user = false,
  $satosa = true,
  $satosa_certbot = false,
  $translog = 'INFO',
  $proxy = 'https://shared-sso-proxy1.cert.sunet.se/idp',
  $norpan = false,
) {

  file { '/opt/sso':
    ensure => directory,

  # Apache files

  file { '/opt/sso/apache':
    ensure => directory,

  file { '/opt/sso/apache/site.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('soc/sso/apache-site.conf.erb'),

  # SSL defaults copied from certbot:
  # https://github.com/certbot/certbot/blob/master/certbot-apache/certbot_apache/_internal/tls_configs/current-options-ssl-apache.conf
  file { '/opt/sso/apache/ssl.conf':
    ensure  => file,
    content => file('soc/sso/apache-ssl.conf'),

  file { '/opt/sso/apache/groups.txt':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('soc/sso/apache-groups.txt.erb')

  # Shibboleth files

  file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth':
    ensure => directory,

  file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/shibboleth2.xml':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('soc/sso/shibboleth2.xml.erb'),

  file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/shibd.logger':
    ensure  => file,
    content => template('soc/sso/shibd.logger.erb'),

  file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/attribute-map.xml':
    ensure  => file,
    content => file('soc/sso/attribute-map.xml'),

  file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/md-signer2.crt':
    ensure  => file,
    content => file('soc/sso/md-signer2.crt'),
  if $satosa {
    if $norpan {
        file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/frontend.xml':
          ensure  => file,
          content => file('soc/sso/frontend_norpan.xml'),
    } else {
        file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/frontend.xml':
          ensure  => file,
          content => file('soc/sso/frontend.xml'),

    file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/attribute-policy.xml':
      ensure  => file,
      content => file('soc/sso/attribute-policy.xml'),

    if lookup('sso_sp_key', undef, undef, undef) != undef {
      sunet::snippets::secret_file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/sp-key.pem':
        hiera_key => 'sso_sp_key'
    } else {
      sunet::snippets::keygen {'shib_cert':
        key_file  => '/opt/sso/shibboleth/sp-key.pem',
        cert_file => '/opt/sso/shibboleth/sp-cert.pem'

  } else {
    sunet::snippets::secret_file { '/opt/sso/shibboleth/sp-key.pem':
      hiera_key => 'sso_sp_key'

  # Certbot

  if $satosa_certbot {
    package { ['certbot', 'python3-requests']:
      ensure => 'latest',

    file { '/etc/letsencrypt/acme-dns-auth.py':
      ensure  => file,
      content => file('soc/sso/acme-dns-auth.py'),
      mode    => '0744',

    file { '/etc/letsencrypt/renewal-hooks/deploy/soc-sso-reload':
      ensure  => file,
      mode    => '0700',
      content => "#!/bin/sh -eu\ndocker exec sso service apache2 reload",

    sunet::scriptherder::cronjob { 'le_renew':
      cmd     => '/bin/echo "Keeping this cronjob, but disabled to avoid scriptherder complainign about unknown check"',
      special => 'daily',

  # Docker

  exec {"Create Docker network \"sso\" to talk to service":
    # We OR with true to ignore errors, since the network often already exists.
    # We specify a subnet so that services which have the option/requirement can
    # specify this subnet as source of trusted proxies. This is used in Graylog,
    # for example; see setting "trusted_proxies".
    command => 'docker network create sso --subnet || true'

  file { '/opt/sso/docker-compose.yml':
    ensure  => file,
    mode    => '0600',
    content => template('soc/sso/docker-compose.yml.erb'),

  sunet::docker_compose_service { 'sso':
    description  =>  '',
    compose_file => '/opt/sso/docker-compose.yml',

  # NFT Rules

  sunet::nftables::docker_expose { 'apache_sso_https' :
    allow_clients => [''],
    port          => 443,
    iif           => 'ens3',
