Patrik Lundin 4b93d9c426
run-cosmos: support fleetlock unlocking at boot
This extends run-cosmos with a new argument that calls the unlock
function already included in the script as well as using the already
existing lock() function to make sure there is no race between the
bootup process and cron starting a normal run-cosmos process at the same

The oexit() function is added to support exiting with a OK exit value
the same way eexit() is used to signal something is wrong.

This change also adds the systemd unit file that runs run-cosmos with the
new fleetlock-unlock argument at boot if fleetlock is configured.

While here fix indentation that was mixed between 3 and 4 spaces: it is
now 4 spaces everywhere.
2024-01-24 15:36:34 +01:00

142 lines
4.4 KiB
Executable file

# Simplify running cosmos, with serialization if flock is available.
readonly PROGNAME=$(basename "$0")
readonly LOCKFILE_DIR=/tmp
readonly LOCK_FD=200
readonly FLEETLOCK_CONFIG=/etc/run-cosmos-fleetlock-conf
readonly FLEETLOCK_DISABLE_FILE=/etc/run-cosmos-fleetlock-disable
readonly FLEETLOCK_TOOL=/usr/local/bin/sunet-fleetlock
readonly FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE=run-cosmos-fleetlock-unlocker.service
readonly HEALTHCHECK_TOOL=/usr/local/bin/sunet-machine-healthy
readonly HEALTHCHECK_DISABLE_FILE=/etc/run-cosmos-healthcheck-disable
lock() {
local prefix=$1
local fd=${2:-$LOCK_FD}
local lock_file=$LOCKFILE_DIR/$prefix.lock
# create lock file
eval "exec $fd>$lock_file"
# acquier the lock
flock -n "$fd" \
&& return 0 \
|| return 1
eexit() {
local error_str="$*"
echo "$error_str"
exit 1
oexit() {
local info_str="$*"
echo "$info_str"
exit 0
fleetlock_enable_unlock_service() {
# In case e.g. the unit file has been removed "FragmentPath" will still
# return the old filename until daemon-reload is called, so do that here
# before we try checking for the FragmentPath.
need_reload=$(systemctl show --property NeedDaemonReload $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE | awk -F= '{print $2}')
if [ "$need_reload" = "yes" ]; then
systemctl daemon-reload
unit_file=$(systemctl show --property FragmentPath $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE | awk -F= '{print $2}')
if [ -z "$unit_file" ]; then
# No unit file matching the service name, do nothing
return 0
# Enable the service if needed
systemctl is-enabled --quiet $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE || systemctl enable --quiet $FLEETLOCK_UNLOCK_SERVICE
fleetlock_lock() {
# Make sure the unlock service is enabled before we take a lock if
# cosmos ends up rebooting the machine before fleetlock_unlock() is
# called.
fleetlock_enable_unlock_service || return 1
local fleetlock_group=""
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
. $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG || return 1
if [ -z "$fleetlock_group" ]; then
echo "Unable to set fleetlock_group"
return 1
echo "Getting fleetlock lock"
$FLEETLOCK_TOOL --lock-group "$fleetlock_group" --lock || return 1
return 0
fleetlock_unlock() {
local fleetlock_group=""
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
. $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG || return 1
if [ -z "$fleetlock_group" ]; then
echo "Unable to set fleetlock_group"
return 1
machine_is_healthy || return 1
echo "Releasing fleetlock lock"
$FLEETLOCK_TOOL --lock-group "$fleetlock_group" --unlock || return 1
return 0
machine_is_healthy() {
local fleetlock_healthcheck_timeout=""
local optional_args=()
# shellcheck source=/dev/null
. $FLEETLOCK_CONFIG || return 1
if [ -n "$fleetlock_healthcheck_timeout" ]; then
echo "Running any health checks"
$HEALTHCHECK_TOOL "${optional_args[@]}" || return 1
return 0
main () {
lock "$PROGNAME" || eexit "Only one instance of $PROGNAME can run at one time."
fleetlock_lock || eexit "Unable to acquire fleetlock lock."
cosmos "$@" update
cosmos "$@" apply
fleetlock_unlock || eexit "Unable to release fleetlock lock."
touch /var/run/last-cosmos-ok.stamp
find /var/lib/puppet/reports/ -type f -mtime +10 -print0 | xargs -0 rm -f
if [ -f /cosmos-reboot ]; then
rm -f /cosmos-reboot
# Most of the time we just pass on any arguments to the underlying cosmos
# tools, if adding special cases here make sure to not shadow any arguments
# (like "-v") which users expect to be passed on to cosmos.
case "$1" in
lock "$PROGNAME" || oexit "$PROGNAME appears locked by a running run-cosmos, let it handle unlocking instead."
fleetlock_unlock || eexit "Unable to release fleetlock lock."
main "$@"