#!/bin/bash if [[ -f /var/run/reboot-required && -f /etc/cosmos-automatic-reboot ]]; then if [[ $HOSTNAME =~ -tug- ]]; then # Reboot hosts in site TUG with 15 seconds delay (enough to manually # cancel the reboot if logged in and seeing the 'emerg' message broadcasted to console) sleep=15 elif [[ $HOSTNAME =~ -fre- ]]; then # reboot hosts in site FRE with 15+180 to 15+180+180 seconds delay sleep=$(( 180 + ($RANDOM % 180))) elif [[ $HOSTNAME =~ -lla- ]]; then # reboot hosts in site LLA with 15+180+180 to 15+180+180+180 seconds delay sleep=$(( 375 + ($RANDOM % 180))) else # reboot hosts in any other site with 15 to 315 seconds delay sleep=$(( 15 + ($RANDOM % 300))) fi logger -p local0.emerg -i -t cosmos-automatic-reboot "Rebooting automatically in $sleep seconds (if /var/run/reboot-required still exists)" sleep $sleep if [ -f /var/run/reboot-required ]; then logger -p local0.crit -i -t cosmos-automatic-reboot "Rebooting automatically" reboot fi fi