#!/bin/sh #set -e # not all breakage is un-recoverable... cmd_hostname="$1" if test -z "$cmd_hostname"; then echo "Usage: $0 HOSTNAME REPO TAGPATTERN" exit 1 fi cmd_repo="$2" if test -z "$cmd_repo"; then echo "Usage $0 HOSTNAME REPO TAGPATTERN" exit 2 fi cmd_tags="$3" if test -z "$cmd_tags"; then echo "Usage $0 HOSTNAME REPO TAGPATTERN" exit 3 fi set -x # cloud-init runs with LANG='US-ASCII' which is likely to fail because of non-US-ASCII chars in the manifest export LANG='en_US.UTF-8' export DEBIAN_FRONTEND='noninteractive' apt-get -y update apt-get -y upgrade for pkg in rsync git git-core wget; do apt-get -y install $pkg done dpkg -i cosmos_1.5-1_all.deb if ! test -d /var/cache/cosmos/repo; then cosmos clone "$cmd_repo" fi # re-run cosmos at reboot until it succeeds - use bash -l to get working proxy settings grep -v "^exit 0" /etc/rc.local > /etc/rc.local.new (echo "" echo "test -f /etc/run-cosmos-at-boot && (bash -l cosmos -v update; bash -l cosmos -v apply && rm /etc/run-cosmos-at-boot)" echo "" echo "exit 0" ) >> /etc/rc.local.new mv -f /etc/rc.local.new /etc/rc.local touch /etc/run-cosmos-at-boot hostname $cmd_hostname short=`echo ${cmd_hostname} | awk -F. '{print $1}'` echo " ${cmd_hostname} ${short}" >> /etc/hosts # Set up cosmos models. They are in the order of most significant first, so we want # _host_type=`echo $cmd_hostname | cut -d - -f 1` models=$( echo -n '\\$COSMOS_REPO/'"$cmd_hostname/:" test -d /var/cache/cosmos/repo/${_host_type}-common && echo -n '\\$COSMOS_REPO/'"${_host_type}-common/:" echo -n '\\$COSMOS_REPO/global/' ) echo "Configuring cosmos with the following models:" echo "${models}" perl -pi -e "s,#COSMOS_REPO_MODELS=.*,COSMOS_REPO_MODELS=\"${models}\"," /etc/cosmos/cosmos.conf perl -pi -e "s,#COSMOS_UPDATE_VERIFY_GIT_TAG_PATTERN=.*,COSMOS_UPDATE_VERIFY_GIT_TAG_PATTERN=\"${cmd_tags}*\"," /etc/cosmos/cosmos.conf env COSMOS_BASE=/var/cache/cosmos COSMOS_KEYS=/var/cache/cosmos/repo/global/overlay/etc/cosmos/keys /var/cache/cosmos/repo/global/post-tasks.d/015cosmos-trust mkdir -p /var/cache/scriptherder (date; nohup cosmos -v update && nohup cosmos -v apply && rm /etc/run-cosmos-at-boot; date) 2>&1 | tee /var/log/cosmos.log exit 0