# Dynamically configure /etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf
# The content of that file is chosen according to:
#   1. If the file is actually present in the model, use that.
#   2. If there is a script called /etc/puppet/setup_cosmos_modules, run that.
#   3. If the file still doesn't exist, create it with the defaults in this script.

set -e

if [ -f "${COSMOS_MODEL}/overlay/etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf" ]; then
    test "$COSMOS_VERBOSE" = "y" && \
        echo "$0: /etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf is present in the model, exiting"
    exit 0

if [ -x /etc/puppet/setup_cosmos_modules ]; then
    test "$COSMOS_VERBOSE" = "y" && \
        echo "$0: Updating /etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf with /etc/puppet/setup_cosmos_modules"

    test -f /etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf && exit 0

test "$COSMOS_VERBOSE" = "y" && \
    echo "$0: Creating/updating /etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf with defaults from this script"

cat > /etc/puppet/cosmos-modules.conf << EOF
# File created/updated by $0
concat          puppetlabs/concat     yes
stdlib          puppetlabs/stdlib     yes
#ufw             attachmentgenie/ufw   yes
#apt             puppetlabs/apt        yes
#cosmos          https://github.com/SUNET/puppet-cosmos.git yes