class net::cisoassistant { $nftables_rules = { 'allow_access_to_cisoassistant' => { from => 'any', port => 8443, to => 'any', proto => 'tcp', }, 'allow_access_to_cisoassistant_api' => { from => 'any', port => 9443, to => 'any', proto => 'tcp', }, 'allow_access_to_always_https_acme_c' => { from => 'any', port => 9443, to => 'any', proto => 'tcp', }, } $nftables_rules.each |$name, $params| { sunet::nftables::allow { $name: * => $params, } } sunet::docker_compose { 'always-https': image => '', service_name => 'acme_http' env => ['ACME_URL='], } file { '/etc/docker/daemon.json': mode => '0744', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => file('net/cisoassistant/daemon.json'), } file { '/opt/cisoas/ciso-assistant-community/enterprise/docker-compose.yml': mode => '0744', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => file('net/cisoassistant/docker-compose.yml'), } file { '/opt/cisoas/ciso-assistant-community/enterprise/': mode => '0744', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => file('net/cisoassistant/'), } sunet::scriptherder::cronjob { 'Upgrade cisoassistant images': cmd => '/opt/cisoas/ciso-assistant-community/enterprise/', weekday => 'Saturday', ok_criteria => ['exit_status=0', 'max_age=10d'], } file { '/opt/cisoas/ciso-assistant-community/enterprise/': mode => '0744', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => file('net/cisoassistant/'), } sunet::scriptherder::cronjob { 'Rotate le certificates': cmd => '/opt/cisoas/ciso-assistant-community/enterprise/', hour => '1', ok_criteria => ['exit_status=0', 'max_age=48h'], } file { '/opt/cisoas/ciso-assistant-community/enterprise/Caddyfile': mode => '0744', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => file('net/cisoassistant/Caddyfile'), } file { "/etc/systemd/system/sunet-cisoas.service": mode => '0644', owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => file('net/cisoassistant/sunet-cisoas.service'), notify => [Class['sunet::systemd_reload']], } service { 'sunet-cisoas' : ensure => 'running', enable => true, require => File['/etc/systemd/system/sunet-cisoas.service'], provider => 'systemd', } }