Extend validate-backup-files script

This commit is contained in:
Patrik Holmqvist 2025-01-17 09:01:16 +01:00
parent e0bef9c728
commit 6393587f0a
Signed by: pahol
GPG key ID: 5D5B0D4E93F77273

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@ -12,18 +12,44 @@ fi
set -eu
# We want to start clean without files for each run to avoid getting qeustions about replace
function exit_if_failed($) {
if [ $1 -ne 0 ]; then
echo $status_critical > "$status_file.tmp"
mv $status_file.tmp $status_file
exit 1
# We want to start clean without files for each run to avoid getting questions about replace
rm -f $restoretarget/*
exit_if_failed "$?"
# Get the encryption password for the server that we want to do "proxy" restore from
enc_password=$(eyaml decrypt -f /etc/hiera/data/local.eyaml --pkcs7-private-key=/etc/hiera/eyaml/private_key.pkcs7.pem --pkcs7-public-key=/etc/hiera/eyaml/public_certkey.pkcs7.pem | awk '/^baas2_restoretest_encryption_password: /{print $2}')
# Run expect script that should do a failed restore (wrong password) (and exit 0 if it failes)
/opt/baas2/run-failed-restore.expect "$nodename"
exit_if_failed "$?"
# Run expect script that cancel any pending/open restores (which is an excpected result of the failed restore above)
/opt/baas2/cancel-restore.expect "$nodename"
exit_if_failed "$?"
# Run expect script that uses the correct encryption password and does a successful restore
/opt/baas2/run-successful-restore.expect "$nodename" "$enc_password"
exit_if_failed "$?"
# Validate checksums genereted by the backup node for all restored files
cd $restoretarget
sha256sum -c $checksum_file
exit_if_failed "$?"
# If all is good, exit 0
echo $status_ok > "$status_file.tmp"
mv $status_file.tmp $status_file
exit 0