99 lines
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99 lines
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# IDP proxy used in SUNET Drive
class sunetdrive::satosa($dehydrated_name=undef,$image='docker.sunet.se/satosa',$tag=undef) {
$proxy_conf = hiera('satosa_proxy_conf')
$default_conf = {
'STATE_ENCRYPTION_KEY' => hiera('satosa_state_encryption_key'),
'USER_ID_HASH_SALT' => hiera('satosa_user_id_hash_salt'),
$merged_conf = merge($proxy_conf,$default_conf)
ensure_resource('file','/etc', { ensure => directory } )
ensure_resource('file','/etc/satosa', { ensure => directory } )
ensure_resource('file','/etc/satosa/', { ensure => directory } )
ensure_resource('file','/etc/satosa/run', { ensure => directory } )
ensure_resource('file','/etc/satosa/plugins', { ensure => directory } )
ensure_resource('file','/etc/satosa/metadata', { ensure => directory } )
['backend','frontend','metadata'].each |$id| {
if hiera("satosa_${id}_key",undef) != undef {
sunet::snippets::secret_file { "/etc/satosa/${id}.key": hiera_key => "satosa_${id}_key" }
# assume cert is in cosmos repo
} else {
# make key pair
sunet::snippets::keygen {"satosa_${id}":
key_file => "/etc/satosa/${id}.key",
cert_file => "/etc/satosa/${id}.crt"
sunet::docker_run {'satosa':
image => $image,
imagetag => $tag,
volumes => ['/etc/satosa:/etc/satosa','/etc/dehydrated:/etc/dehydrated'],
ports => ['443:8000'],
env => ['METADATA_DIR=/etc/satosa/metadata', 'WORKER_TIMEOUT=120']
file {'/etc/satosa/proxy_conf.yaml':
content => inline_template("<%= @merged_conf.to_yaml %>\n"),
notify => Sunet::Docker_run['satosa']
$plugins = hiera('satosa_config')
sort(keys($plugins)).each |$n| {
$conf = hiera($n)
$fn = $plugins[$n]
file { $fn:
content => inline_template("<%= @conf.to_yaml %>\n"),
notify => Sunet::Docker_run['satosa']
sunet::misc::ufw_allow { 'satosa-allow-https':
to => 'any',
port => '443'
$dehydrated_status = $dehydrated_name ? {
undef => 'absent',
default => 'present'
sunet::docker_run {'alwayshttps':
ensure => $dehydrated_status,
image => 'docker.sunet.se/always-https',
ports => ['80:80'],
env => ['ACME_URL=http://acme-c.sunet.se']
sunet::misc::ufw_allow { 'satosa-allow-http':
ensure => $dehydrated_status,
to => 'any',
port => '80'
if ($dehydrated_name) {
file { '/etc/satosa/https.key': ensure => link, target => "/etc/dehydrated/certs/${dehydrated_name}.key" }
file { '/etc/satosa/https.crt': ensure => link, target => "/etc/dehydrated/certs/${dehydrated_name}/fullchain.pem" }
} else {
sunet::snippets::keygen {'satosa_https':
key_file => '/etc/satosa/https.key',
cert_file => '/etc/satosa/https.crt'
file { '/opt/satosa':
ensure => directory,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0755',
-> file { '/opt/satosa/restart.sh':
ensure => file,
owner => 'root',
group => 'root',
mode => '0700',
content => template('sunetdrive/satosa/restart.erb.sh'),
-> cron { 'restart_satosa':
command => '/opt/satosa/restart.sh',
user => 'root',
minute => '15',
hour => '*/8',