#!/bin/bash no_files=30 # Keep this many files as an archive, script is run once a week # We sleep a deterministic amount of time, which will be between 0 an 128 m and allways the same within # a specific host, but will differ between hosts sleep $((16#$(ip a | grep "link/ether" | head -1 | awk -F ':' '{print $6}' | awk '{print $1}') / 2))m for logfile in $(ls /opt/multinode/*/{nextcloud.log,server/server.log}); do if [[ -f ${logfile}.gz.${no_files} ]]; then rm ${logfile}.gz.${no_files} fi for i in $(seq 1 $((no_files - 1)) | sort -nr); do if [[ -f ${logfile}.gz.${i} ]]; then mv ${logfile}.gz.${i} ${logfile}.gz.$((i + 1)) fi done if [[ -f ${logfile}.gz ]]; then mv ${logfile}.gz ${logfile}.gz.1 fi cat ${logfile} | gzip >${logfile}.gz && echo '' >${logfile} done