#!/bin/bash # Datafile with customers commonyaml="/etc/hiera/data/common.yaml" billingbucket="statistics:drive-storage-report" aggregatedir="${billingbucket}/billing/daily" latestdir="${billingbucket}/billing" aggregatefile="billing-$(date +%Y%m%d).csv" tempdir=$(mktemp -d) # Install yq if needed yq="/usr/local/bin/yq" if ! [[ -x ${yq} ]]; then pip3 install yq fi olddir=${PWD} cd "${tempdir}" || (echo "could not move to tempdir" && exit 1) # Make sure we have dir rclone mkdir -p "${aggregatedir}" # Output headers csv="DATE:$(date +%F) TIME:$(date +%H:%M) Customer;Total GB;Users;Product" # Aggregate data for customer in $(${yq} -r '.fullnodes | .[]' ${commonyaml}); do product=1 # Prisplan 1 csv="${csv} $(rclone cat "${billingbucket}/${customer}-usage/${customer}-latest.csv" | grep -E -v '^DATE|^Customer' | sed 's/$/;1/')" done for customer in $(${yq} -r '.singlenodes | .[]' ${commonyaml}); do product=2 # Prisplan 2 csv="${csv} $(rclone cat "${billingbucket}/${customer}-usage/${customer}-latest.csv" | grep -E -v '^DATE|^Customer' | sed 's/$/;'${product}'/')" done echo "${csv}" >"${aggregatefile}" rclone copy "${aggregatefile}" "${aggregatedir}/" mv "${aggregatefile}" "latest.csv" rclone move "latest.csv" "${latestdir}/" cd "${olddir}" || (echo "Could not switch back to old dir" && exit 1) rmdir "${tempdir}"