#Class for SUNET-Drive-Proxysql class sunetdrive::proxysql ( $bootstrap = undef, $location = undef, $proxysql_container_name = 'proxysql_proxysql_1', $manage_config = true, $manage_network = true, ) { # Config from group.yaml $environment = sunetdrive::get_environment() $config = hiera_hash($environment) $db_ip = $config['db'] $nextcloud_ip = $config['app'] $proxysql_ok_num = length($nextcloud_ip) $proxysql_warn_num = $proxysql_ok_num - 1 # Global config from common.yaml $proxysql_version = hiera('proxysql_version') $tug_office = hiera_array('tug_office') # Config from local.yaml and local.eyaml $admin_password = safe_hiera('admin_password') $cluster_admin_password = safe_hiera('cluster_admin_password') $monitor_password = safe_hiera('proxysql_password') $mysql_user_password = safe_hiera('mysql_user_password') $mysql_user = safe_hiera('mysql_user') $transaction_persistent = 1 if $::facts['dockerhost2'] == 'yes' and $manage_network { $hostnet = true } file { '/usr/local/bin/proxysql': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/proxysql.erb.sh'), mode => '0755', } file { '/opt/proxysql/insert_server_in_proxysql.sh': ensure => file, owner => 'root', group => 'root', content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/insert_server_in_proxysql.erb.sh'), mode => '0755', } file {'/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_proxysql_server': ensure => 'file', mode => '0755', group => 'nagios', require => Package['nagios-nrpe-server'], content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/check_proxysql_server.erb'), } file {'/usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_mysql_server_status': ensure => 'file', mode => '0755', group => 'nagios', require => Package['nagios-nrpe-server'], content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/check_mysql_server_status.erb'), } if $manage_config { file { '/opt/proxysql/proxysql.cnf': ensure => present, content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/proxysql.cnf.erb'), mode => '0644', } } file { '/opt/proxysql/my.cnf': ensure => present, content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/my.cnf.erb'), mode => '0644', } if $::facts['sunet_nftables_enabled'] == 'yes' { sunet::nftables::docker_expose { 'stats_ports': allow_clients => $tug_office, port => 6080, iif => 'ens3', } sunet::nftables::docker_expose { 'proxysql': allow_clients => $nextcloud_ip, port => 6032, iif => 'ens3', } } else { sunet::misc::ufw_allow { 'stats_ports': from => $tug_office, port => 6080, } } sunet::docker_compose { 'drive_proxysql_docker_compose': content => template('sunetdrive/proxysql/docker-compose_proxysql.yml.erb'), service_name => 'proxysql', compose_dir => '/opt/', compose_filename => 'docker-compose.yml', description => 'Proxysql', } if $::fqdn[0,5] == 'node1' { sunet::scriptherder::cronjob { 'insert_server_in_proxysql': cmd => '/opt/proxysql/insert_server_in_proxysql.sh', hour => '*', minute => '*/5', ok_criteria => ['exit_status=0','max_age=1h'], warn_criteria => ['exit_status=1','max_age=3h'], } } else { sunet::scriptherder::cronjob { 'insert_server_in_proxysql': ensure => 'absent', cmd => '/opt/proxysql/insert_server_in_proxysql.sh', purge_results => true, } } }