datadir="/var/lib/proxysql" # ProxySQL admin configuration section admin_variables= { admin_credentials="admin:<%= @admin_password%>;cluster_admin:<%= @cluster_admin_password %>" mysql_ifaces="" refresh_interval=2000 web_enabled=true web_port=6080 stats_credentials="stats:<%= @admin_password %>" cluster_username="cluster_admin" cluster_password="<%= @cluster_admin_password %>" cluster_check_interval_ms=200 cluster_check_status_frequency=100 cluster_mysql_query_rules_save_to_disk=true cluster_mysql_servers_save_to_disk=true cluster_mysql_users_save_to_disk=true cluster_proxysql_servers_save_to_disk=true cluster_mysql_query_rules_diffs_before_sync=3 cluster_mysql_servers_diffs_before_sync=3 cluster_mysql_users_diffs_before_sync=3 cluster_proxysql_servers_diffs_before_sync=3 } # MySQL/MariaDB related section mysql_variables= { threads=4 max_connections=2048 default_query_delay=0 default_query_timeout=36000000 have_compress=true poll_timeout=2000 interfaces=";/tmp/proxysql.sock" default_schema="information_schema" stacksize=1048576 server_version="10.5.5" connect_timeout_server=10000 monitor_history=60000 monitor_connect_interval=2000 monitor_ping_interval=2000 ping_interval_server_msec=10000 ping_timeout_server=200 commands_stats=true sessions_sort=true monitor_username="proxysql" monitor_password="<%= @monitor_password %>" monitor_galera_healthcheck_interval=2000 monitor_galera_healthcheck_timeout=800 } # Specify all ProxySQL hosts here proxysql_servers = ( <%- index = 0 -%> <%- @nextcloud_ip.each do |appserver| -%> <%- index += 1 -%> { hostname="<%= appserver %>" , port=6032 , comment="proxysql<%= index %>" }, <%- end -%> ) # HG10 - single-writer # HF30 - multi-writer mysql_galera_hostgroups = ( { writer_hostgroup=10 backup_writer_hostgroup=20 reader_hostgroup=30 offline_hostgroup=9999 max_writers=1 writer_is_also_reader=1 max_transactions_behind=0 active=1 } ) # List all MariaDB Galera nodes here mysql_servers = ( <%- @db_ip.each do |db| -%> { address="<%= db %>" , port=3306 , hostgroup=10, max_connections=100 }, <%- end -%> ) # Default query rules: # - All writes -> HG10 (single-writer) # - All reads -> HG30 (multi-writer) mysql_query_rules = ( { rule_id=100 active=1 match_pattern="^SELECT .* FOR UPDATE" destination_hostgroup=10 apply=1 }, { rule_id=200 active=1 match_pattern="^SELECT .*" destination_hostgroup=30 apply=1 }, { rule_id=300 active=1 match_pattern=".*" destination_hostgroup=10 apply=1 } ) # All MySQL user that you want to pass through this instance # - The MySQL user must be created first in the DB server and grant it to access from this ProxySQL host mysql_users = ( <%- @customers.each do |index, customer| -%> { username = "nextcloud_<%= customer %>", password = "<%= hiera(customer + '_mysql_user_password') %>", default_hostgroup = 10, transaction_persistent = <%= @transaction_persistent %>, active = 1 }, <%- end -%> )