define contact {
  contact_name                     slack
  alias                            Slack
  service_notification_period      24x7
  host_notification_period         24x7
  service_notification_options     w,u,c,r
  host_notification_options        d,r
  service_notification_commands    notify-service-by-slack
  host_notification_commands       notify-host-by-slack
# 'notify-service-by-slack' command definition
define command {
  command_name     notify-service-by-slack
  command_line     SERVICESTATE="$SERVICESTATE$" \
                   HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME$" \
                   SERVICEOUTPUT="$SERVICEOUTPUT$" \
                   HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME$" \
                   /usr/local/bin/ > /tmp/slack.log 2>&1

# 'notify-host-by-slack' command definition
define command {
  command_name     notify-host-by-slack
  command_line     SERVICESTATE="$SERVICESTATE$" \
                   HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME$" \
                   SERVICEOUTPUT="$SERVICEOUTPUT$" \
                   HOSTNAME="$HOSTNAME$" \
                   /usr/local/bin/ > /tmp/slack.log 2>&1
define host {
  name                         monitor-site    ; The name of this host template
  notifications_enabled        1       ; Host notifications are enabled
  event_handler_enabled        1       ; Host event handler is enabled
  flap_detection_enabled       1       ; Flap detection is enabled
  process_perf_data            1       ; Process performance data
  retain_status_information    1       ; Retain status information across program restarts
  retain_nonstatus_information 1       ; Retain non-status information across program restarts
  max_check_attempts           3
  check_period                 24x7
  notification_period          24x7
  check_command                check_ping_4!'5000,100%'!'5000,100%'
  max_check_attempts           10
  notification_interval        0
  notification_period          24x7
  notification_options         d,u,r
  contact_groups               admins
  register                     0       ; DONT REGISTER THIS DEFINITION - ITS NOT A REAL HOST, JUST A TEMPLATE!
define command {
  command_name    check_nextcloud
  command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' --ssl -u '/status.php' -s '"installed":true' -E
define command {
  command_name    check_nextcloud_version
  command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' --ssl -u '/status.php' -s '"version":"$ARG1$"'
define command {
  command_name    check_satosa
  command_line    /usr/lib/nagios/plugins/check_http -H '$HOSTADDRESS$' --ssl -u '/healthcheck' -s '"status": "ok"' -E
define hostgroup {
  alias          SUNET Drive Nextcloud sites
  hostgroup_name prod-sites
define servicegroup {
  alias             SUNET Drive Nextcloud sites
  servicegroup_name prod-sites
define hostgroup {
  alias          SUNET Drive Nextcloud sites test
  hostgroup_name test-sites
define servicegroup {
 alias             SUNET Drive Nextcloud sites
 servicegroup_name test-sites
<% proxies = ['', ''] %>
<% proxies.each do | proxy | -%>
# <%= proxy %>
define host {
  action_url          /grafana/dashboard/script/histou.js?host=$HOSTNAME$&theme=light&annotations=true
  notes_url           https://<%= proxy %>/healthcheck
  address             <%= proxy %>
  alias               <%= proxy %>
  host_name           <%= proxy %>
<% if proxy.match('test') -%>
  hostgroups          test-sites
<% else -%>
  hostgroups          prod-sites
<% end -%>
  use                 monitor-site
define service {
  notes_url           https://<%= proxy %>/healthcheck
  action_url            /grafana/dashboard/script/histou.js?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$&theme=light&annotations=true
  check_command         check_satosa
  check_interval        5
  check_period          24x7
<% if @environment == 'prod' and not proxy.match('test') %>
  contacts              slack
<% else -%>
  contact_groups        naemon-admins
<% end -%>
  host_name             <%= proxy %>
  max_check_attempts    3
  notification_interval 60
  notification_period   24x7
  retry_interval        1
  service_description   Satosa healthcheck
<% if proxy.match('test') -%>
  servicegroups         test-sites
<% else -%>
  servicegroups         prod-sites
<% end -%>
<% end %>
<% @sites.each do | site | -%>
# <%= site %>
define host {
  action_url          /grafana/dashboard/script/histou.js?host=$HOSTNAME$&theme=light&annotations=true
  notes_url           https://<%= site %>
  address             <%= site %>
  alias               <%= site %>
  host_name           <%= site %>
<% if site.match('test') -%>
  hostgroups          test-sites
<% else -%>
  hostgroups          prod-sites
<% end -%>
  use                 monitor-site
<% if site.match('lookup') %>
define service {
  notes_url             https://<%= site %>
  action_url            /grafana/dashboard/script/histou.js?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$&theme=light&annotations=true
  check_command         check_https
  check_interval        5
  check_period          24x7
<% if @environment == 'prod' %>
  contacts              slack
<% else -%>
  contact_groups        naemon-admins
<% end -%>
  host_name             <%= site %>
  max_check_attempts    3
  notification_interval 60
  notification_period   24x7
  retry_interval        1
  service_description   HTTPS
<% if site.match('test') -%>
  servicegroups         test-sites
<% else -%>
  servicegroups         prod-sites
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% unless site.match('lookup') %>
define service {
  notes_url             https://<%= site %>/status.php
  action_url            /grafana/dashboard/script/histou.js?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$&theme=light&annotations=true
  check_command         check_nextcloud
  check_interval        5
  check_period          24x7
<% cur_cust = site.gsub(/\.drive.*/,'') %>
<% cur_cust = cur_cust.gsub(/drive.*/,'gss') %>
# 'check_nextcloud' command definition
<% if @environment == 'prod' and not site.match('test') and @fullnodes.include?(cur_cust) %>
  contacts              slack
<% else -%>
  contact_groups        naemon-admins
<% end -%>
  host_name             <%= site %>
  max_check_attempts    3
  notification_interval 60
  notification_period   24x7
  retry_interval        1
  service_description   Nextcloud status
<% if site.match('test') -%>
  servicegroups         test-sites
<% else -%>
  servicegroups         prod-sites
<% end -%>
define service {
  notes_url             https://<%= site %>/status.php
  action_url            /grafana/dashboard/script/histou.js?host=$HOSTNAME$&service=$SERVICEDISPLAYNAME$&theme=light&annotations=true
<% if site.match('test') -%>
<% version_variable = 'nextcloud_version_test_' << cur_cust -%>
<% else -%>
<% version_variable = 'nextcloud_version_prod_' << cur_cust -%>
<% end -%>
<% version = String(scope.lookupvar(version_variable)).gsub(/-[0-9]+/,'')  -%>
  check_command         check_nextcloud_version!'<%= version %>'
  check_interval        5
  check_period          24x7
  contact_groups        naemon-admins
  host_name             <%= site %>
  max_check_attempts    3
  notification_interval 60
  notification_period   24x7
  retry_interval        1
  service_description   Nextcloud version
<% if site.match('test') -%>
  servicegroups         test-sites
<% else -%>
  servicegroups         prod-sites
<% end -%>
<% end -%>
<% end -%>