#!/bin/bash # Clean up old swap version if [[ -f /swapfile ]]; then swapoff -a sed -i 's_^/swapfile none swap sw 0 0_#/swapfile none swap sw 0 0_' /etc/fstab rm /swapfile fi # Create crypt swap that should play nice with puppet if ! [[ -f /cryptswap1 ]]; then gb=$(free --gibi| grep Mem: | awk '{print $2}') fallocate -l "${gb}G" /cryptswap1 chmod 600 /cryptswap1 loop=$(losetup -f) losetup "${loop}" /cryptswap1 cryptsetup open --type plain --key-file /dev/urandom "${loop}" cryptswap1 mkswap /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 swapon /dev/mapper/cryptswap1 if ! grep -E '^/dev/mapper/cryptswap1' /etc/fstab; then echo '/dev/mapper/cryptswap1 none swap sw 0 0' >> /etc/fstab fi fi