Hello and welcome to your personal space for research data storage, It is important that research data is managed in a secure and careful manner, so that it is protected from damage and destruction. Mälardalen University offers its researchers and doctoral students a secure and stable IT service that makes it possible to store research data. Furthermore, it enables research collaboration internally and externally since researchers can easily share their data within the project or with other individual researchers at MDU in a secure way. This technical infrastructure entails a good collaboration space for researchers, a secure handling of data, the possibility for the researcher to be able to store data in such a way that data management according to the FAIR principles can be complied with at MDU. To meet the general need for research data storage, MDU has purchased Sunet Drive's S3 research data storage service. Each researcher will be offered a space of 200GB per person. To simplify administration, all spaces will be appropriated in advance in the same way, regardless of the research domain or total amount of research data. 200 GB will not correspond to all of MDU researchers' data storage needs; therefore, the researcher will have the possibility to purchase additional data space via a digital form. The additional purchase function is done by internal billing and the purchased space is then visible at the next login in the researcher's personal space. If there is a need for a specific project space for research data storage and/or sharing, this is also possible. Such a space is created by an administrator after ordering project space through the same form as when purchasing additional storage space. The project space will then be visible to project members in the personal storage space at the next login. Can a MDU student be included in the research project? It is possible to assign a student a time-limited access/sharing opportunity to specific folders in either the project space or the researcher's personal space. Contact the Data Access Unit (DAU) to enable such a feature. If you have any questions about the storage space, please contact dau@mdu.se.