#!/bin/bash OK=0 WARNING=1 CRITICAL=2 UNKNOWN=3 function show_help { echo "Usage: ${0} -w <warn level as % of total> -c <crit level as % of total>" echo "Example: ${0} -w 1 -c 10" } warning=1 critical=2 output="OK: " OPTIND=1 while getopts "w:c:" opt; do case "$opt" in w) warning=${OPTARG} ;; c) critical=${OPTARG} ;; *) show_help exit 0 ;; esac done status=${OK} all="$(cat /opt/frontend/monitor/*/announce)" withdraw=$(echo "${all}" | grep withdraw) num_withdraw=$(echo "${all}" | grep withdraw | wc -l) num_total=$(echo "${all}" | wc -l) percent=$( echo "scale=1;( ( ${num_withdraw} + 0.05 ) / ${num_total} ) * 100 " | bc | sed 's/\.[0-9]//') if [[ ${percent} -gt ${warning} ]]; then status=${WARNING} output="WARNING: " fi if [[ ${percent} -gt ${critical} ]]; then status=${CRITICAL} output="CRITICAL: " fi output="${output}Total routes: ${num_total}" if [[ ${status} != 0 ]]; then output="${output}, number of withdrawn: ${num_withdraw}. There is a problem with the following routes " for ip in $(echo "${withdraw}" | awk '{print $3}'); do output="${output} ${ip}" done fi echo "${output} | withdraw=${percent}%;${warning};${critical};" exit ${status}