#!/bin/bash # Lists all users from container # Create and attach buckets for users ending in @ # The name of the bucket is the transformed user id # E.g. user tene3253@su.se will receive the bucket tene3253-su-drive-sunet-se echo "$(date) - Start executing makebuckets.sh" # These are configurable with positional args node=${1} container=${2} rcp=${3} if [[ -z ${node} ]]; then num=$(seq 1 3 | shuf -n 1) # shellcheck disable=SC2086 node=$(hostname --fqdn | sed 's/script1/node'${num}'/') fi if [[ -z ${container} ]]; then container=nextcloud_app_1 fi if [[ -z ${rcp} ]]; then rcp="<%= @location %>" fi lock="/tmp/mkbucket-${rcp}-${node}.lock" if [[ -f ${lock} ]]; then echo "Lockfile exists, another instance of ${0} is running" exit 0 else touch "${lock}" fi # These only have defaults user_bucket_name="<%= @user_bucket_name %>" if [[ -z ${user_bucket_name} ]]; then user_bucket_name="userdata" fi site_name="<%= @site_name %>" rclone="rclone --config /root/.rclone.conf" # These are dynamic buckets="$(${rclone} lsd "${rcp}:" | awk '{print $NF}')" users=$(${rclone} cat --no-check-certificate --webdav-headers "Host,sunet.drive.sunet.se" --use-cookies "statistics:drive-server-coms/${rcp}/users.json" | jq '. | with_entries( select(.key | match("@") ) )') for eppn in $(echo "${users}" | jq -r keys[]); do username=${eppn%@*} # Remove underscore from username user=${username//_/-} # convert user to lower case for bucket naming rules user_lower=${user,,} echo "$(date) - Check bucket status for ${eppn}" bucketname="${user_lower}-${site_name//./-}" if ! echo "${buckets}" | grep "${bucketname}" &> /dev/null; then echo "$(date) - ${eppn} has no mounts configured, adding bucket and mounts..." ${rclone} mkdir "${rcp}:${bucketname}" # shellcheck disable=SC2029 ssh-keygen -f "/root/.ssh/known_hosts" -R ${node} ssh -o StrictHostKeyChecking=no "${node}" "sudo /home/script/bin/create_bucket.sh ${container} ${eppn} ${bucketname} ${user_bucket_name}" fi done echo "$(date) - Done executing makebuckets.sh" rm "${lock}"