diff --git a/manifests/db_type.pp b/manifests/db_type.pp
index 7c953b4..c0490d0 100644
--- a/manifests/db_type.pp
+++ b/manifests/db_type.pp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ define sunetdrive::db_type(
   $override_config = undef,
   $override_compose = undef,
-  $replicate_rewrite_db = undef,
diff --git a/manifests/mariadb.pp b/manifests/mariadb.pp
index 8725c8a..c6356d2 100644
--- a/manifests/mariadb.pp
+++ b/manifests/mariadb.pp
@@ -5,7 +5,6 @@ class sunetdrive::mariadb (
   $tag_mariadb = undef,
   $override_config = undef,
   $override_compose = undef,
-  $replicate_rewrite_db = undef,
 ) {
   $quorum_id = $facts['networking']['fqdn']
@@ -14,7 +13,6 @@ class sunetdrive::mariadb (
     bootstrap            => $bootstrap,
     tag_mariadb          => $tag_mariadb,
     location             => $location,
-    replicate_rewrite_db => $replicate_rewrite_db,
   file { '/etc/quorum.conf':
     ensure  => file,
diff --git a/templates/mariadb/my.cnf.erb b/templates/mariadb/my.cnf.erb
index 2892c01..81892bb 100644
--- a/templates/mariadb/my.cnf.erb
+++ b/templates/mariadb/my.cnf.erb
@@ -19,10 +19,6 @@ gtid_strict_mode        = ON
 log_bin                 = binlog
 log_slave_updates       = ON
 server_id               = <%= @server_id %> 
-<% if not @replicate_rewrite_db.nil? -%>
-replicate-rewrite-db    = "<%= @replicate_rewrite_db %>->nextcloud"
-replicate-wild-do-table = <%= @replicate_rewrite_db %>.%
-<% end -%>
 # Innodb
 innodb_autoinc_lock_mode        = 2
diff --git a/templates/script/restart-db-cluster.erb b/templates/script/restart-db-cluster.erb
index 61d2f2f..af552cc 100755
--- a/templates/script/restart-db-cluster.erb
+++ b/templates/script/restart-db-cluster.erb
@@ -51,7 +51,7 @@ def remove_downtime(fqdn: str,
 def main() -> int:
-    customer = "<%= @customer %>"
+    customers = ["<%= @customer %>"]
     environment = "<%= @environment %>"
     apikey_test = "<%= @apikey_test %>"
     apikey_prod = "<%= @apikey_prod %>"
@@ -59,38 +59,41 @@ def main() -> int:
     reboot_command = ['sudo /usr/local/bin/safer_reboot']
-    for number in reversed(range(1, 4)):
-        fqdn = build_fqdn(customer, environment, number)
-        ipv4, _ = get_ips_for_hostname(fqdn)
-        ip = ipv4[0]
-        print("Upgrading: {} with ip: {}".format(fqdn, ip))
-        add_downtime(fqdn, apikey_test)
-        add_downtime(fqdn, apikey_prod, monitor_host="monitor.drive.sunet.se")
+    if customers[0] == "common":
+        customers = ["gss", "lookup", "multinode"]
+    for customer in customers:
+        for number in reversed(range(1, 4)):
+            fqdn = build_fqdn(customer, environment, number)
+            ipv4, _ = get_ips_for_hostname(fqdn)
+            ip = ipv4[0]
+            print("Upgrading: {} with ip: {}".format(fqdn, ip))
+            add_downtime(fqdn, apikey_test)
+            add_downtime(fqdn, apikey_prod, monitor_host="monitor.drive.sunet.se")
-        run_remote_command(fqdn, reboot_command, user = user)
-        success = False
+            run_remote_command(fqdn, reboot_command, user = user)
+            success = False
-        for testnumber in reversed(range(1, 32, 2)):
-            print("\tSleeping for {} seconds before smoketest on {}".format(
-                testnumber, fqdn))
-            time.sleep(testnumber)
+            for testnumber in reversed(range(1, 32, 2)):
+                print("\tSleeping for {} seconds before smoketest on {}".format(
+                    testnumber, fqdn))
+                time.sleep(testnumber)
-            if smoketest_db_node(fqdn, user = user):
-                success = True
+                if smoketest_db_node(fqdn, user = user):
+                    success = True
-                break
+                    break
-        remove_downtime(fqdn, apikey_test)
-        remove_downtime(fqdn, apikey_prod, monitor_host="monitor.drive.sunet.se")
-        if success:
-            print("Upgrade cycle succeeded on {} ".format(fqdn))
-        else:
-            print("Smoketest failed on {} after server reboot command".format(
-                fqdn))
+            remove_downtime(fqdn, apikey_test)
+            remove_downtime(fqdn, apikey_prod, monitor_host="monitor.drive.sunet.se")
+            if success:
+                print("Upgrade cycle succeeded on {} ".format(fqdn))
+            else:
+                print("Smoketest failed on {} after server reboot command".format(
+                    fqdn))
-            return 5
-    print("All {}-servers successfully upgraded for {}".format(
-        environment, customer))
+                return 5
+        print("All {}-servers successfully upgraded for {}".format(
+            environment, customer))
     return 0