Export 3.0.3 like so: ``` helm repo add jupyterhub https://hub.jupyter.org/helm-chart/ helm fetch jupyterhub/jupyterhub --version 3.0.3 --untar --untardir . ```
158 lines
7 KiB
158 lines
7 KiB
{{- $proxy_service := include "jupyterhub.proxy-public.fullname" . -}}
{{- /* Generated with https://patorjk.com/software/taag/#p=display&h=0&f=Slant&t=JupyterHub */}}
. __ __ __ __ __
/ / __ __ ____ __ __ / /_ ___ _____ / / / / __ __ / /_
__ / / / / / / / __ \ / / / / / __/ / _ \ / ___/ / /_/ / / / / / / __ \
/ /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_/ / / /_ / __/ / / / __ / / /_/ / / /_/ /
\____/ \__,_/ / .___/ \__, / \__/ \___/ /_/ /_/ /_/ \__,_/ /_.___/
/_/ /____/
You have successfully installed the official JupyterHub Helm chart!
### Installation info
- Kubernetes namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }}
- Helm release name: {{ .Release.Name }}
- Helm chart version: {{ .Chart.Version }}
- JupyterHub version: {{ .Chart.AppVersion }}
- Hub pod packages: See https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/blob/{{ include "jupyterhub.chart-version-to-git-ref" .Chart.Version }}/images/hub/requirements.txt
### Followup links
- Documentation: https://z2jh.jupyter.org
- Help forum: https://discourse.jupyter.org
- Social chat: https://gitter.im/jupyterhub/jupyterhub
- Issue tracking: https://github.com/jupyterhub/zero-to-jupyterhub-k8s/issues
### Post-installation checklist
- Verify that created Pods enter a Running state:
kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} get pod
If a pod is stuck with a Pending or ContainerCreating status, diagnose with:
kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} describe pod <name of pod>
If a pod keeps restarting, diagnose with:
kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} logs --previous <name of pod>
{{- println }}
{{- if eq .Values.proxy.service.type "LoadBalancer" }}
- Verify an external IP is provided for the k8s Service {{ $proxy_service }}.
kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} get service {{ $proxy_service }}
If the external ip remains <pending>, diagnose with:
kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} describe service {{ $proxy_service }}
{{- end }}
- Verify web based access:
{{- println }}
{{- if .Values.ingress.enabled }}
{{- range $host := .Values.ingress.hosts }}
Try insecure HTTP access: http://{{ $host }}{{ $.Values.hub.baseUrl | trimSuffix "/" }}/
{{- end }}
{{- range $tls := .Values.ingress.tls }}
{{- range $host := $tls.hosts }}
Try secure HTTPS access: https://{{ $host }}{{ $.Values.hub.baseUrl | trimSuffix "/" }}/
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- else }}
You have not configured a k8s Ingress resource so you need to access the k8s
Service {{ $proxy_service }} directly.
{{- println }}
{{- if eq .Values.proxy.service.type "NodePort" }}
The k8s Service {{ $proxy_service }} is exposed via NodePorts. That means
that all the k8s cluster's nodes are exposing the k8s Service via those
Try insecure HTTP access: http://<any k8s nodes ip>:{{ .Values.proxy.service.nodePorts.http | default "no-http-nodeport-set"}}
Try secure HTTPS access: https://<any k8s nodes address>:{{ .Values.proxy.service.nodePorts.https | default "no-https-nodeport-set" }}
{{- else }}
If your computer is outside the k8s cluster, you can port-forward traffic to
the k8s Service {{ $proxy_service }} with kubectl to access it from your
kubectl --namespace={{ .Release.Namespace }} port-forward service/{{ $proxy_service }} 8080:http
Try insecure HTTP access: http://localhost:8080
{{- end }}
{{- end }}
{{- println }}
{{- /*
Warnings for likely misconfigurations
{{- if and (not .Values.scheduling.podPriority.enabled) (and .Values.scheduling.userPlaceholder.enabled .Values.scheduling.userPlaceholder.replicas) }}
###### WARNING: You are using user placeholders without pod priority #####
###### enabled*, either enable pod priority or stop using the #####
###### user placeholders** to avoid having placeholders that #####
###### refuse to make room for a real user. #####
###### #####
###### *scheduling.podPriority.enabled #####
###### **scheduling.userPlaceholder.enabled #####
###### **scheduling.userPlaceholder.replicas #####
{{- println }}
{{- end }}
{{- /*
Breaking changes and failures for likely misconfigurations.
{{- $breaking := "" }}
{{- $breaking_title := "\n" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n#################################################################################" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n###### BREAKING: The config values passed contained no longer accepted #####" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n###### options. See the messages below for more details. #####" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n###### #####" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n###### To verify your updated config is accepted, you can use #####" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n###### the `helm template` command. #####" }}
{{- $breaking_title = print $breaking_title "\n#################################################################################" }}
{{- /*
This is an example (in a helm template comment) on how to detect and
communicate with regards to a breaking chart config change.
{{- if hasKey .Values.singleuser.cloudMetadata "enabled" }}
{{- $breaking = print $breaking "\n\nCHANGED: singleuser.cloudMetadata.enabled must as of 1.0.0 be configured using singleuser.cloudMetadata.blockWithIptables with the opposite value." }}
{{- end }}
{{- if hasKey .Values.rbac "enabled" }}
{{- $breaking = print $breaking "\n\nCHANGED: rbac.enabled must as of version 2.0.0 be configured via rbac.create and <hub|proxy.traefik|scheduling.userScheduler|prePuller.hook>.serviceAccount.create." }}
{{- end }}
{{- if hasKey .Values.hub "fsGid" }}
{{- $breaking = print $breaking "\n\nCHANGED: hub.fsGid must as of version 2.0.0 be configured via hub.podSecurityContext.fsGroup." }}
{{- end }}
{{- if and .Values.singleuser.cloudMetadata.blockWithIptables (and .Values.singleuser.networkPolicy.enabled .Values.singleuser.networkPolicy.egressAllowRules.cloudMetadataServer) }}
{{- $breaking = print $breaking "\n\nCHANGED: singleuser.cloudMetadata.blockWithIptables must as of version 3.0.0 not be configured together with singleuser.networkPolicy.egressAllowRules.cloudMetadataServer as it leads to an ambiguous configuration." }}
{{- end }}
{{- if $breaking }}
{{- fail (print $breaking_title $breaking "\n\n") }}
{{- end }}