apiVersion: argoproj.io/v1alpha1 kind: Application metadata: name: richir-test namespace: argocd labels: name: richir-test spec: project: default sources: - repoURL: 'https://platform.sunet.se/Drive/k8s-manifests' targetRevision: richir-improve-setup path: customers/overlays/richir/test/ destination: server: https://kubernetes.default.svc namespace: richir syncPolicy: automated: prune: false selfHeal: true allowEmpty: false syncOptions: # maybe needs FIXME - Validate=true # disables resource validation (equivalent to 'kubectl apply --validate=false') ( true by default ). - CreateNamespace=true # Namespace Auto-Creation ensures that namespace specified as the application destination exists in the destination cluster. - PrunePropagationPolicy=foreground # Supported policies are background, foreground and orphan. - PruneLast=true # Allow the ability for resource pruning to happen as a final, implicit wave of a sync operation - RespectIgnoreDifferences=true # When syncing changes, respect fields ignored by the ignoreDifferences configuration - ApplyOutOfSyncOnly=true # Only sync out-of-sync resources, rather than applying every object in the application retry: limit: 5 backoff: duration: 5s factor: 2 maxDuration: 3m revisionHistoryLimit: 10