# Do not edit anything here, except you know what you are doing. apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: mservice namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: USE_CASE_SERVICE_EXPORTER_SERVICE: "http://layer2-exporter-service/exporter" USE_CASE_SERVICE_METADATA_SERVICE: "http://layer2-metadata-service/metadata" USE_CASE_SERVICE_PORT_SERVICE: "http://layer2-port-service/port-service" CENTRAL_SERVICE_TOKEN_STORAGE: "http://layer3-token-storage" CENTRAL_SERVICE_RESEARCH_MANAGER: "http://layer3-research-manager/research" --- # Global app settings apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: globalenvvar namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: # Set this to DEBUG and restart your applications to get more informations in logs. Default: INFO LOGLEVEL: {{ .Values.loglevel | quote }} # If you set this to "False", SSL will not be verified in all https requests. Default: "True" VERIFY_SSL: {{ .Values.verify_ssl | quote }} # The URL, which you configured in your oauth providers RDS_OAUTH_REDIRECT_URI: https://{{ .Values.global.rds.domain }} --- # Proxy Settings apiVersion: v1 kind: ConfigMap metadata: name: proxy namespace: {{ .Release.Namespace }} data: HTTP_PROXY: {{ .Values.proxy.http_proxy | quote }} HTTPS_PROXY: {{ .Values.proxy.https_proxy | quote }} NO_PROXY: {{ .Values.proxy.no_proxy | quote }} http_proxy: {{ .Values.proxy.http_proxy | quote }} https_proxy: {{ .Values.proxy.https_proxy | quote }} no_proxy: {{ .Values.proxy.no_proxy | quote }}