suite: Test spark operator deployment templates: - deployment.yaml release: name: spark-operator tests: - it: Should contain namespace arg when sparkJobNamespaces is equal to 1 set: sparkJobNamespaces: - ns1 asserts: - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].args content: -namespace=ns1 - it: Should add pod annotations if podAnnotations is set set: podAnnotations: key1: value1 key2: value2 asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.metadata.annotations.key1 value: value1 - equal: path: spec.template.metadata.annotations.key2 value: value2 - it: Should add prometheus annotations if metrics.enable is true set: metrics: enable: true port: 10254 endpoint: /metrics asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.metadata.annotations[""] value: "true" - equal: path: spec.template.metadata.annotations[""] value: "10254" - equal: path: spec.template.metadata.annotations[""] value: /metrics - it: Should add secrets if imagePullSecrets is set set: imagePullSecrets: - name: test-secret1 - name: test-secret2 asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets[0].name value: test-secret1 - equal: path: spec.template.spec.imagePullSecrets[1].name value: test-secret2 - it: Should add pod securityContext if podSecurityContext is set set: podSecurityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 2000 fsGroup: 3000 asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.securityContext.runAsUser value: 1000 - equal: path: spec.template.spec.securityContext.runAsGroup value: 2000 - equal: path: spec.template.spec.securityContext.fsGroup value: 3000 - it: Should use the specified image repository if image.repository and image.tag is set set: image: repository: test-repository tag: test-tag asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].image value: test-repository:test-tag - it: Should use the specified image pull policy if image.pullPolicy is set set: image: pullPolicy: Always asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].imagePullPolicy value: Always - it: Should add container securityContext if securityContext is set set: securityContext: runAsUser: 1000 runAsGroup: 2000 fsGroup: 3000 asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsUser value: 1000 - equal: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.runAsGroup value: 2000 - equal: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].securityContext.fsGroup value: 3000 - it: Should add metric ports if metrics.enable is true set: metrics: enable: true port: 10254 portName: metrics asserts: - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports content: name: metrics containerPort: 10254 count: 1 - it: Should add webhook ports if webhook.enable is true set: webhook: enable: true port: 8080 portName: webhook asserts: - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].ports content: name: webhook containerPort: 8080 count: 1 - it: Should add resources if resources is set set: resources: requests: memory: "64Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].resources value: requests: memory: "64Mi" cpu: "250m" limits: memory: "128Mi" cpu: "500m" - it: Should add sidecars if sidecars is set set: sidecars: - name: sidecar1 image: sidecar-image1 - name: sidecar2 image: sidecar-image2 asserts: - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers content: name: sidecar1 image: sidecar-image1 count: 1 - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers content: name: sidecar2 image: sidecar-image2 count: 1 - it: Should add volumes if volumes is set set: volumes: - name: volume1 emptyDir: {} - name: volume2 emptyDir: {} asserts: - contains: path: spec.template.spec.volumes content: name: volume1 emptyDir: {} count: 1 - contains: path: spec.template.spec.volumes content: name: volume2 emptyDir: {} count: 1 - it: Should add volume mounts if volumeMounts is set set: volumeMounts: - name: volume1 mountPath: /volume1 - name: volume2 mountPath: /volume2 asserts: - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts content: name: volume1 mountPath: /volume1 count: 1 - contains: path: spec.template.spec.containers[0].volumeMounts content: name: volume2 mountPath: /volume2 count: 1 - it: Should add nodeSelector if nodeSelector is set set: nodeSelector: key1: value1 key2: value2 asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.nodeSelector.key1 value: value1 - equal: path: spec.template.spec.nodeSelector.key2 value: value2 - it: Should add affinity if affinity is set set: affinity: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - antarctica-east1 - antarctica-west1 preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 1 preference: matchExpressions: - key: another-node-label-key operator: In values: - another-node-label-value asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.affinity value: nodeAffinity: requiredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: nodeSelectorTerms: - matchExpressions: - key: operator: In values: - antarctica-east1 - antarctica-west1 preferredDuringSchedulingIgnoredDuringExecution: - weight: 1 preference: matchExpressions: - key: another-node-label-key operator: In values: - another-node-label-value - it: Should add tolerations if tolerations is set set: tolerations: - key: key1 operator: Equal value: value1 effect: NoSchedule - key: key2 operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule asserts: - equal: path: spec.template.spec.tolerations value: - key: key1 operator: Equal value: value1 effect: NoSchedule - key: key2 operator: Exists effect: NoSchedule